【四君子】- 國畫中對梅、蘭、竹、菊四種花卉題材的總稱。明萬曆年間,黃鳳池輯「梅竹蘭菊四譜」,陳繼儒題稱「四君」,以標榜君子的清高品德,後又稱為「四君子」。
- 中醫上指人參、白朮、茯苓、甘草四種藥材的合稱。儒林外史˙第十一回:「老先生此症,當用四君子,加入二陳,飯前溫服。」
這句話應該是「牛頓」說的:我不知道世人對我的看法如何,我只覺得自己好像是個在海濱遊戲的男孩,有時為了找到一塊光滑的石子或比較美麗的貝殼而高興,而真理的海洋仍然在我的前面而未被發現。(I don`t know what I may seem to the world, but, as to myself, I seem to have been only as a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.)
2003/12/4,下午 09:18:32