
Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

1.My friends and I would meet and__________ having dinner together every summer and winter in.
(A) can
(B) want
(C) enjoy
(D) am

2.Kelly: Thank you for helping me carrying the box !
John: __________ .
A. Small thing.
B. No sweat.
C. That’s OK.
D. No thanks.

3.Please do not stand __________ . Come into the classroom. The class is going to begin.
(A) behind
(B) inside
(C) up
(D) outside

4.I have to go to the cram school, and __________ .
(A) Jenny is, too.
(B) so does Jenny.
(C) Jenny has to, too.
(D) so Jenny does.

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5.My sister always __________ , “ I can English books, but I can’t it well.”
(A)say ; read ; speak
(B)say ; see ; read
(C)talk ; watch ; speak
(D)talk ; see ; read

6. My bother goes to school __________ and __________ the cram school every day.
(A)on bicycle ; walk
(B)in a bicycle ; walk
(C)by bicycle ; walk to
(D)by bicycles ; walk to

7. A: I would like a cup of ice tea. __________ .
B: The same, please.
(A)What on you?
(B)How you?
(C)What do you like?
(D)What about you?

8.It is very __________ of you to invite me to your party but I can’t go.
(A)kind (B)happy (C)excited (D)good

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9.A: What do you do?
B: __________ .
(A)I am cooking.
(B)I am an English teacher.
(C) What do you do!

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10.Mary:__________ you usually late for work?
Sam: No, I .
(A) Do; never do.
(B) Are ; never do
(C) Are ; never am
(D) Do, never am.

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11. Matty is busy __________ his math and English homework.
(A) do
(B) done
(C) does
(D) doing

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12.A: You look upset. What’s wrong with you?
B: My grandpa just passed two hours ago.
A: __________ .
(A)Don’t do that.
(B)I am sorry.
(C)Are you sure?
(D)Well, good luck.

13.It is ten to two. I have a piano class after twenty minutes. When does the piano class begin?
(A) 2:00
(B) 2:10
(C) 10:10
(D) 10:30

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14.George: Which do you like better, ice cream or apple?
(A) Apple. It makes me more healthy.
(B) Yes, I like both.
(C) Yes, I like ice cream.more.
(D) I do not like ice cream.

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15. How about __________ to the movie? Its name is War of World war two.
(A) go
(B) to go
(C) going
(D) went

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16. Because Mike was sick,__________ he did not go to school today.
(A) and
(B) so
(C) û
(D) but

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17. A: What did you do last night?
B: __________
(A) I goed to the movies.
(B) I taked a bath.
(C) I talked to Mimi on the phone.
(D) I lain on the bed.

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18.Kenny: Can I __________ this ruler __________ you?
May: Yes, I can__________ it__________ you.
(A) borrow from ; lend to
(B) borrow to ; lend from
(C) give for; take to
(D) take to ; give for

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19. Which sentence is wrong?
(A) Debby looks pretty.
(B) It feels like rain.
(C) Dad is getting old.
(D) I see him to run into the house.

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20. Polly and Ben were in the old and tall building .
(A) three o’clock ago.
(B) last Friday.
(C) before two days.
(D) yesterday night.