
Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

1. 打掃工作最晚應該在除夕的時候完成。
should New Year’s .
2. 如果你在元旦打掃,好運將會被掃走。
you on New Year’s Day, good luck away.
3. “橘子”這個字在中文裏聽起來像“吉”這個字。
The word “tangerine” the word luck Chinese.
4. 我可以再多吃四個餃子嗎?
May I have dumplings, please?
5. 王氏一家人現在為了新年熬夜到很晚。
staying up New Year.
6. 在新年期間打架是不吉利的。
bad luck fight during New Year.
7. 我去到台南和我的親戚一起過新年。
I went to Tainan Chinese New Year my .
8. 在中國除夕夜,我們所做的一切都是要為了新年的慶祝活動做準備。
Chinese New Year’s Eve, prepare the New Year celebrations.
9. 我從長輩那裏拿到了裏面有錢的紅包袋。
I many red envelopes money the .
10. 街上擠著了數以萬計的人。
The streets of of people.
11. 那時我們所能看到、聞到、聽到的都是爆竹。
see, smell, and hear firecrackers.
12. 它是一次如此有趣的經驗。
It was experience.
=The experience was .
13. 也許妳明年可以在台南過元宵節,而我會帶你到處逛逛。
Maybe you can the Lantern Festival in Tainan next year, and I can .