
Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

1. 你來的正是時候。
You the right time.
2. 妳可以幫我弄這些羽毛嗎?
Could you me these feathers?
3. 我們老師要我們用真的羽毛做毽子。
Our teacher a shuttlecock real feathers.
4. 這讓我想起了我的童年。
This me my .
5. 我以前常常玩的玩具都是手工製作的。
The toys which I used to play with were all handmade.
6. 我不必付錢買材料。
I didn’t have the materials.
7. 善用你的想像力,你可以製作出任何你想要的玩具。
Use your , and you can any toy .
8. 你待會可以教我怎麼製作竹槍嗎?
Can you make a bamboo gun ?
9. 讓我幫你完成這個毽子
you the shuttlecock.
10. 我想要送一件特別的禮物給我喜歡的女孩。
I just want to a special gift a girl .
11. 她是那一個我上次在補習班看到的女孩嗎?
Is she the girl at the cram school last time?
12. 在以前人們並不玩我們現在有的玩具。
the , people did not the toys now.
13. 這些手工玩具包括了沙包、毽子…諸如此類。
Those handmade toys beanbags, shuttlecocks, and .
14. 藉著使用你週遭的東西,你可以製作一個和別人都不同的玩具。
things you, you can make a toy is not the same any .