
Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

1. 我迫不及待地想到看Carl在比賽中跑步。
I wait Carl in the races.
2. 他就是那個去年贏得一百公尺短跑的男生。
He the boy the 100-meter dash meter last year.
3. 他也是那個上次擊出三支全壘打的傢伙嗎?
he also the guy three home runs last time?
4. 他不但善長跑步,而且對所有種類的運動也很在行。
He is running all kinds of sports.
5. 那些參加這些比賽項目的人通常都相當有才能。
The students these events often talented.
6. 最讓所有人最感到興奮的項目就大隊接力。
The event everyone most the relay.
7. 我們班級過去總是花很多時間為大隊接力做準備。
Our class always of time the relay.
8. 雖然我們之前練習得很努力,但是我們從來都沒有贏過比賽。
we hard, we never a race.
9. 在這個學期初,我們有了一位新同學。
this semester, we had a new classmate.
10. 他那時是一個有著大眼晴和一頭捲髮的瘦小男孩。
He was a skinny boy big eyes and curly hair.
11. 他那時總是穿著一雙看起來又舊又髒的布鞋。
He always sneakers that old and dirty.
=He wear sneakers that old and dirty.
12. 因為沒有人想要跑最後一棒,所以我們將這個責任交給他。
Because wanted to take the baton , we the job him.
13. 我們班本來是是第三名,然後我們同學之中有一個人掉棒。
My class place, but of the my classmates the baton.
14. 我們遠遠落後直到棒子最後傳給了Akai。
We were the baton finally Akai.
15. Akai在其他人抵達終點前趕上了他們。
Akai before they reached the finish line.