Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

1. 您已經研究地震超過三十年了
You earthquakes for 30 years.
2. 下一次地震會在什麼時候及什麼地方發生?
When and where the earthquake ?
3. 沒有人真正知道答案
No one really the .
4. 如果我們多研究一點地震的歷史。也許在未來我們可以預測地震。
If we the history of earthquakes, maybe in the future we wil be able them.
5. 當地震來襲時我們應該怎麼辦呢?
Wha should we do when an ?
6. 你應該保持冷靜並遠離窗戶。
You should and the windows.
7. 玻璃可能會碎掉而傷到你
The glass and you.
8. 地震時人們應該待在他們的房子裡嗎?
Should people stay their house an earthquake?
9. 假如建築物夠堅固,就待在那裡
If the building is , .
10. 假如它不堅固,每個人應該盡快離開。
If it weak, everyone should get out .
11. 搭電梯是逃出去最快的方法嗎?
Is the elevator the way out?
12. 你絕對不可以搭電梯,你應該用樓梯取代搭電梯。
You should never take the elevator. You should take the stairs .
13. 地震來時假如我們正在車裡的話,我們該怎麼辦?
What should we do if we are a car an earthquake?
14. 你應該把車子停靠在一處空曠的地方在並待在那裡,
You should a clear place and stay there.
15. 你不該下車否則你可能會被倒下的樹或建築物傷到。
You shouldn't the car, or you falling trees or buildings.
16. 電力和水利可能會因此中斷,建築物可能會被震垮,人們可能因此死亡。
Power and water , buildings , and people .
17. 可能避免地震災害嗎?
Is it possible ?
18. 我們可以做好防範來減低損害。
We can to it.
19. 台灣-我們的家-也被稱為「福爾摩沙」
Taiwan, our home, Formosa.
20. 台灣經常受到地震災害。
Taiwan often earthquakes.
21. 一九九九年九月二十一日,強震襲擊台灣。
September 21,1991, a strong earthquakes Taiwan.
22. 民眾飽受驚嚇,超過兩千位民眾喪生。
People and 2,000 people .
23. 很多民眾成了無家可歸的人。
of people .
24. 他們不知道該怎麼辦,或該去哪裡才好。
They didn't know or .
25. 要預測地震很難。
It's difficult to earthquakes.
26. 但是如果人們學習如何保護他們自己,損害可以被降低,並且許多生命可以被拯救。
But if people learn , damage and many .