
Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

1. Miss Lin: What do you want to be in the f__________e? Daniel: I want to be a doctor.
2. is It h__________e for you to go out at midnight alone?
3. Everyone can buy bread at b_________s.
4. There are usually e__________s in Taiwan in summer. Sometimes they cause(引起)a lot of damage.
5. The phone has rung for a long time. Maybe n________y is home.

二、文法與語意選擇--請依文意選出一個最適當的答案:20%(每題2分)(2-2-6, 2-2-7, 6-2-5)
( ) 1. Follow the traffic rules, and many accidents can be __________.
    (A) stolen (B) avoided (C) scared (D) built 
( ) 2. It’s difficult to predict earthquakes, but there are some __________ signs before an earthquake.
    (A) strange (B) interested (C) able (D) round 
( ) 3. It’s raining hard outside. Don’t forget to take a/an __________ with you.
    (A) e-mail (B) answer (C) umbrella (D) clothes 
( ) 4. Please tell the truth. Don’t _______ to me.
    (A) say (B) talk (C) lie (D) speak 
( ) 5. Would you please help me __________ this question? It’s too difficult.
(A) answer (B) knock (C) carry (D) interest 
( ) 6. Both Jay and Jolin __________ my favorite singers.
    (A) are (B) is (C) am (D) do  
( ) 7. Earthquakes are horrible, but damage can __________.
    (A) reduced (B) are reduced (C) be reduced (D) been reduced 
( ) 8. Frank’s money was stolen. He didn’t know what __________.
    (A) to do (B) to do it (C) should do (D) be done 
( ) 9. Write to me as __________ as possible.
    (A) horrible (B) soon (C) honest (D) clear 
( ) 10. Ben : I am not sure __________ to get to the talent show tomorrow.
Tim : You can just call her.
    (A) what (B) where (C) how (D) who 
三、克漏字選擇--請依所附短文,選出一個最適當的答案:10%(每題2分)(2-2-8, 3-2-6,5-2-5)
Dear Mary,
How’ve you been?
I feel troubled and don’t know __________. Jack proposed to me last Saturday, and I am trying to decide __________
. __________ really hard to make a decision for me. Jack is nice and handsome, but he is not rich __________.
Worst of all, he is my ex-boyfriend’s brother. Neither my parents nor my sister was thinging it is a good idea _________ him.
I need your suggestions. Write to me ASAP.
propose 向…求婚
rich 有錢的
ex-boyfriend 前男友
suggestion 建議

( ) 1. (A) what to buy (B) who to ask (C) when to leave (D) how to build a boat
( ) 2. (A) when I will (B) where will I (C) that I (D) what I should do
( ) 3. (A) It is (B) He is (C) They are (D) I am
( ) 4. (A) such (B) so (C) enough (D) too
( ) 5. (A) to marry (B) marry (C) marrying (D) married

四、閱讀測驗:10%(每題2分)(3-2-6, 3-2-7, 6-2-4)
What should we do to protect ourselves when an earthquake hits? Here are some tips.
1. We should stay calm and find where to go first.
2. If the building is __________, get out ASAP.
3. If the building is strong, stay there and take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture to avoid falling objects. Don’t get too close to the windows.
4. The power may be cut off, so we should never take the elevator. Take the stairs instead.
5. If we are in a car, we should pull over to a clear place and stay there. We shouldn’t get out of the car.
6. We should turn off the gas and electricity to avoid a fire.
7. Make sure all stairways and exits are clear.
8. Always pay attention to news reports.
9. We should prepare a backpack with some clothes, drinking water, food, and a flashlight … in it.
( ) 1. The word vulnerable is closest in meaning to __________.
(A) clear (B) clean (C) weak (D) strong
( ) 2. Why should we turn off the gas and electricity?
(A) To avoid a fire. (B) To avoid a damaged building.
(C) Because the railways may be damaged. (D) Because water may be cut off.
( ) 3. What do we have to put in our backpack?
(A) Furniture. (B) A spoon. (C) A flashlight. (D) A map.
( ) 4. What shouldn’t we do because the power may be cut off?
(A) To take the stairs. (B) To take an elevator.
(C) To pull over to a clear place. (D) To pay attention to news reports.
( ) 5. Which is true about the reading?
(A) If we are in a car during an earthquake, we should get out of the car right away.
(B) We should go near windows during an earthquake.
(C) We should stay in the building if it is not strong.
(D) We should stay calm and find where the exit is during an earthquake.

五、克漏字填空--請依上下文,填入最適當的答案:20%(每格2分)(2-2-8, 3-2-6, 3-2-7,5-2-5)
Have you ever to Lanyu? It’s a beautiful island. Lanyu is also “ Orchid Island. ” The Tao have lived
this island a very long time. The men there usually wear a loincloth. However, neither the men nor the women wear shoes. Fish is most important food the Tao.

六、翻譯填空:30%(每格2分)(2-2-7, 2-2-8, 4-2-1,4-2-3, 5-2-4, 5-2-6)
1. 也許我們將能夠預測地震。 Maybe we will to predict earthquakes.
2. 建築物可能不會被損毀。 Buildings may knocked down.
3. 他們不知道該去何處。 They didn’t know go.
4. 二千多人喪生。 More 2000 people were
6. 我們正在找他的腳踏車。 We are looking his bicycle.
7. 他們的房子是用圓的石頭建成的。 Their houses with round stones.
9. 遠離壞朋友。 Keep bad friends.