
Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

I 文意字彙(每題2分,10%)(請將答案填入下方空格欄)(4-2-1)
1. There are four __________ in Korea: spring, summer, fall and winter.
. The sun will __________in Hong Kong.
3. Sam and Sue are __________ friends.
4. We usually have three __________ a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
5. __________ home!

II文法選擇(每題2分,20 %)(3-2-6)
)1. Hurry up, __________ you are not going to be late.
(A)and (B)or (C)but(D) because
)2. It __________ in Tainan tomorrow.
(A) may be rain(B) maybe rainy (C)may rain (D)may rainy
)3. Sam:How often do you play the piano? Sue:__________ (A)At five o’clock (B) Twice a week (C) Third times a week (D)One hour
)4. I seldom go jogging, but my brother__________ (A) often do(B) often(C)often did (D)often does
)5. __________ the weather like in summer?
(A)What’s (B) How’s(C) When’s (D) Where’s
)6. Karen __________ doesn’t have breakfast at eight.
(A) never(B) often (C) seldom (D)usually
)7. Sam:Do you often play computer games? Sue:No, __________ (A) I never(B)I seldom do (C)I don’t often (D)I usually do
)8. Sam:Do you ever go to a movie? Sue:__________ (A)No, never (B)Yes, I ever do.(C) No, I seldom don’t (D) Yes, I never do
)9. How many __________ are there on the table? (A)breads (B) rice(C)fish (D) egg
)10. Jacky, __________ be a good student and study hard .(A)always (B) often(C) never (D)usually

Meg is a vet. She has two pet dogs, Spotty and Sisy. Spotty came from a dog pound. Meg __________ her home after she visited the dog pound. Sisy was a birthday present __________ her father. Meg __________ her dogs __________and feeds them every day. She is always happy __________ her pets. Therefore, she takes good care of them.
1. (A)brings (B)bring with (C) brought with(D)brought
2. (A)came from (B) comes from(C)from (D) of
3. (A)takes (B) took (C) brings (D)gave
4. (A)to a walk (B) for a walk (C)to walk (D)for walk
5. (A)in (B) at (C)with (D)on
1 2 3 4 5
IV翻譯填充(每題1分,15 %)(請將答案填入下方空格欄)(4-2-1)
1. 我將和家人去渡假
I am going a with my family.
2.Sam和 Sue 昨天花一小時看電視
Sam and Sue one hour TV yesterday.
any jackets ?
My me, so I a dog.
Now let’s the weather report tomorrow.
V閱讀測驗(每題3分,15 %)(3-2-7)
Weather Forecast

The forecast for tomorrow, Friday, December 23, is bad weather. In the early morning it will be clear and sunny. But it will be dry and very cold in the afternoon. At night it will become stormy, and a strong wind will blow from the north. There will be two feet of snow in the mountains, and the airport will not be open.
The forecast for Saturday is better. The storm will end by ten o’clock in the morning. The snow will stop, and the sky will become clear in the afternoon. It’s cold especially at night. The airport will be open in the afternoon.
The forecast for Sunday is good weather. It will be sunny all day. Cold weather will go on, but that’s usual around Christmas and New Year.

sforecast 預報sclear 晴朗的sstormy 暴風雨的sblow 吹snorth 北方的sfeet 呎sairport 機場sstorm 暴風雨send 停止
s especially尤其
)1.The weather for Friday will be __________ (A)warmer and warmer (B) better and better (C)more and more windy (D)clearer and clearer
)2.We may have __________ on Saturday afternoon.
(A) rain (B) snow (C) sunshine (D)storm
)3. What should you wear if you are going to have a big dinner with your family on Christmas Eve?
(A)sunglasses (B) a T-shirt (C) a cap (D)a coat
)4. When can we take the airplane?
(A)At 4:30 p.m. on Saturday.(B)On Friday night.(C)Saturday morning.(D)At 9:30 a.m. on Saturday
)5. The weather of Christmas will be __________
(A)rainy (B)sunny (C) cloudy (D)snowy